Health & Fitness

Think you need to visit an ENT specialist? Watch out for these Ear Disorders. 

ENT or ear, nose, and throat, along with the related structures of the head and neck, are parts of a crucial network of the body. Therefore, any disorder in any of the components- ear (E), nose (N), or throat (T) can impact the whole body’s functioning. Specially trained ENT specialist physicians/doctors are required to diagnose and treat conditions or disorders affecting these parts. 

While mild infections or problems relating to ENT can be treated under a general practitioner’s guidance (GP), in some cases, it is best to see a specialist. For instance, if you are in Mumbai and have certain ear disorders, it is advisable to immediately find an experienced ear specialist in Mumbai and begin the treatment at the earliest. 

Ear disorders- What is it all about?

The ears help us hear, but they also aid in stabilizing and balancing the body. There can be issues like earache, discharge of fluids/earwax, hearing loss, vertigo, etc. It can lead to infection, inflammation, irritation, and sleeping issues. 

Best ear specialists in Mumbai would identify whether the discomfort in the ear is due to allergies or infections or whether there are more severe issues that might require surgery. You need to be careful as some disorders might lead to permanent hearing issues or even deafness. 

Ear Disorders You Need To Watch Out For

Ear disorders are amongst the most common ENT issues faced by most people. But how do you recognize when to take the discomfort in your ear seriously and rush for an ear specialist? While the intensity of the disorders and their symptoms might vary from one person to the other, mentioned below are some of the significant issues you should be vigilant about. 

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Earache– It might appear to be a trivial issue caused due to an infection in the ear. However, sometimes, there are other reasons for earache, some of which can be serious like: 

    1. An object lodged in the ear
    2. A ruptured eardrum due to an object getting into the ear or even due to an infection
    3. Excessive earwax
    4. Infection in the throat or other areas around the ear, like sinusitis or tonsillitis
    5. Toothache or other dental problems.

Ear infections– It is more common in children. Otis media or the middle ear infection is what babies and children are prone to. In the case of adults, outer ear or ear canal infections are more common. 

Ear infections might lead to earache, fever, headache, nausea, dizziness, buzzing in the ear, and sometimes hearing loss. Even though the ear infections typically go away within a week, some situations might deteriorate and require surgery.

Glue Ear

When the Eustachian tube in the ear gets block, the fluid gets trape in there. As the fluid accumulates in the middle ear cavity, it becomes thicker, resembling glue. It might lead to problems with hearing, and balance, cause trouble in sleeping, increase pressure and pain in the ear, and make one irritate. 

Though there are no other visible signs of glue ear, a specialist should consult if any of these symptoms are observed. The glue ear takes weeks, sometimes months, to go away.

Tinnitus– It is a common condition whereby the patient experiences a continuous ringing, humming, hissing, whistling, clicking, or buzzing sound in the ear. These noises can be loud or in one ear, or both. The sensations can also be felt in the head sometimes. 

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It is mostly temporary, but if prolongs, it can cause a lot of trouble in hearing and concentration. It can causes by several factors like issues with the blood vessels/bones/muscles in the ear, exposure to loud noises, head injuries, ear infections, etc. 

Otosclerosis-It is an inherite condition that leads to gradual hearing loss. Beginning sometime in the teens or twenties, it affects the middle ear, where a spongy bone is forms. 

This tiny bone prevents the sound/vibrations from going to the inner ear. People with this condition find it difficult to hear deep sounds. If left un-treat, it can lead to profound hearing loss. The use of bone-conduction/bone-anchor hearing aids can treat this condition. Surgery is also an option. 

Summing Up

Ears are sensitive, and usually, it is difficult for a layman to detect the cause of ear disorders. In case of discomfort, usage of over-the-counter ear drops or home remedies like olive oil or mustard oil should avoid. If you get the sensation of something being stuck in the ear or if there is ear wax. Attempting to get it out on your own might cause more damage than give relief. It might also permanently damage the eardrum and lead to irreversible deafness. 

Consult an ENT specialist. Some of the best ear specialists in Mumbai are available for consultations and help you with comprehensive diagnoses and treatment.

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