
The Moving Tips of Movers in Mountain view CA

Moving to a new home or apartment can be an exciting experience, but it’s also quite stressful! When you’re planning your move, it’s important to think about every little detail, like how to transport all of your belongings safely and efficiently, and how you’ll organize the unpacking process once you get to your new home. The movers in Mountain view CA can help you with that.   To make sure your relocation goes as smoothly as possible, we’ve compiled some of our best moving tips below. Take these helpful suggestions into consideration when you’re getting ready to move, and enjoy your new home in no time!

Pack Smartly and Eliminate Extra Weight

Did you know that each extra 10 pounds in a moving truck translates to an additional $30 per 100 miles? That’s right—if you move with heavy boxes, not only will it be more difficult for your movers to transport your belongings but you’ll also pay more. To avoid unnecessary fees, pack smartly and remove all extra weight.

Utilize Appropriate Materials

One of your first considerations will be what you’re going to use to pack. While a cardboard box might suffice, there are other options that are less wasteful and easier on delicate items. Materials like tissue paper, bubble wrap, and moving blankets (also known as roll goods) can provide extra protection for breakables and other fragile belongings. Here are some tips on how to use them safely

Prioritize Your Belongings

No matter how much you love your stuff, once you’ve moved and are settling into your new place, it’s time to make some tough decisions. Before doing anything else, get rid of everything that doesn’t have meaning in your life. If a piece of furniture isn’t being used regularly or if it doesn’t spark joy in you every time you walk by it, then get rid of it!

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Create an Inventory Sheet

Make a spreadsheet that includes your prized possessions and then assign a value to each item. This will give you an idea of how much it’s all worth, in case something does get damaged. Remember to make copies for each family member. Get Free Inventory Spreadsheet Templates here. Here are some tips on creating a list: Write down everything – When making an inventory sheet, don’t forget to include any small items such as batteries or screws. Movers in Mountain view CA keep track of every belonging of your handed over to them. 

Do as much as possible beforehand

If possible, try to do as much of your packing and cleaning before your movers arrive. Doing so can help reduce costs significantly, especially if you are planning a short-term move (e.g., two to six months). The less they have to pack and unpack, the less they charge! The price might seem steep at first, but then again so is paying to relocate your life from one city to another.

Move on a weekend or Monday

According to U-Haul, these are two of your best bets when it comes to securing a spot on one of their trucks. During times when most people aren’t trying to move, it is easier to reserve a truck without waiting in line at a location. Though other times might be ideal because of lower costs, it is nice not having to wait in line or worry about finding an open location at all. The movers in Mountain view CA offer an easy booking process. 


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